大学院生のRAMANATHAN MRUNALINI先生の学位審査がありました


2024年8月22日(木)にインドからの大学院生RAMANATHAN MRUNALINI先生の学位審査がありました。開始前は緊張した面持ちでしたが、堂々とした発表をなさいました。

講師 松田悠平

The final defense of my Doctoral dissertation was held on 22nd of August 2024 from 18:30-19:30 hours. There were a lot of international student attendees. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to my supervisor, Prof. Takahiro Kanno sensei, and to all the faculty and staff of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for aiding smooth procedures during my defense presentation and review process. I would like to continue my work here at Shimane University as a part of our team and collaborate for future endeavors


