4月1日から、われわれの診療科にて口腔外科研修にこられていたインド・チェンナイMeenakshi MultispecialtyHospitalからのDr Mamta (マンタ) Singaramの1か月間の研修が修了し帰国の途につかれました。われわれの仲間として、医局員との臨床のみならず研究活動にも積極的に参加してくださいました。来年インドのチェンナイで開催予定のアジア口腔顎顔面外科での再会を約束し、お別れとなりました。
教授 管野貴浩
My gratitude and thanks to Dr Prof Takahiro Kanno and other associates of Shimane University, Faculty of medicine for offering me a clinical fellowship in Oral Maxillofacial surgery. It was an exhilarating experience to me, as every day is a learning opportunity in a surgeon’s life. Pursuing the fellowship course in this department has taught me to focus more on planning and to actively participate and conduct case discussions. Their warm welcome and hospitality made me feel comfortable and encouraged. I was offered chances to observe and assist various cases. I was also given the opportunity to participate in their research. Armamentarium and patient care with a mix of the nations culture was always a treat to observe. I found this fellowship program very helpful as it has not only taught me surgery but also discipline, consistency and care. Thank you for the life experience.
Dr.Mamta Singaram