During my fellowship at Shimane University under the mentorship of Professor Takahiro Kanno Sensei, I was exposed to a comprehensive and hands-on approach to oral and maxillofacial surgery. Under his guidance, I had the opportunity to refine my clinical skills, engage with advanced surgical techniques, and actively participate in research initiatives. This immersive environment not only broadened my professional horizons but also helped me appreciate the depth of knowledge and meticulous standards upheld in this institution.I would like to thank Kanno-sensei for providing me with this great opportunity, guiding me in attending and presenting in three international conferences, and including me in five research articles.
Beyond the clinical and academic components, the cultural setting at Shimane was equally enriching. The dedication and teamwork exhibited by colleagues, coupled with the hospitality and respect inherent in Japanese culture, created a supportive atmosphere conducive to learning. The array of international collaborations and research opportunities further highlighted the significance of this fellowship experience. Overall, my time here has been invaluable, shaping my professional perspective and equipping me with the skills and insights needed to excel in the ever-evolving field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. I would like to personally thank everyone in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for their unwavering support and assistance throughout my fellowship. I highly recommend this fellowship at Shimane University to anyone seeking opportunities to expand their clinical and research skills.
Thanking you
Best Regards
Dr. Nithish Sankepally
(公社)日本口腔外科学会では、アジア諸国からの口腔外科学に関する奨学専門研修医を受け入れており、この制度を利用して2024年1月から今月までの1年間にわたり、当科にて臨床・研究に向上心と積極性をもって研修されていたインド・Chennai・SRM dental collegeからの留学生Dr. Nithish Sankepallyの研修が修了することとなりました。Dr. Nithishは、常に貪欲にわれわれ口腔外科医の手術手技や考え方に興味を持ち、持ち前の笑顔と明るさで、常に疑問に対しては質問をしてこられ多くの臨床研修をつまれました。また、基礎研究や学術論文執筆等にも前傾姿勢で従事され、1年間とはとても思えない程の実績をつまれました。明日1月17日に出雲を発ち、帰国の途につくこととなり、われわれ医局員で最後のお別れ会を開催しました。今後はインドでの更なる口腔顎顔面外科学の研鑽に励まれ、近い将来には、口腔外科専門クリニックを開院する大きな夢と野望の実現に向けて走り続けるとのことです。われわれとも、継続したすばらしい学術連携を今後も図れることに期待が膨らみます。
教授 管野貴浩